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Boys it’s very normal to doubt yourself if you’re not working that hard
Connor McGregor has a very famous quote that’s basically saying "Action removes doubt”
So if you’re doubting yourself right now, it’s because you’re not putting enough work in
You’re not taking enough action
Now some of you might say “Yeah, but I don’t know what to work on”
Now, the reason why I’ve never really liked that excuse too much is just because even if you don’t know how to get rich,
That’s not a good enough excuse because you can be doing SOMETHING that is better than nothing
And something will eventually lead to everything
It will lead to the answer
Does that make sense?
So, what you need to do is sit there and think:
“What do I know that I should do”
So for example right now, I know that going for a run is always better than not going for a run
Like why would it not be good to be fitter?
Cardiovascularly wise you know? Why would it not be good to go for a run?
You’re not gonna lose gains although there’s all these people saying you’re gonna lose gains
No, you won’t.
If you’re eating enough food, you’re not gonna lose a bit of gains going on a 10 minute run
It’s just gonna give you an amazing feeling
You’re gonna have endorphins
Dopamine pumping all throughout your body
You’re gonna feel amazing
You’re gonna be fitter
You’re gonna be stronger because if your cardio is up, then you can lift more reps in the gym a lot of the time
Like on those moves with a bit more lighter weight
Instead of doing 14 reps on a set, you’re gonna do 16
You’re just fitter—you’re stronger
There’s like a term for it in the gym world, it’s like gpb or something
General preparedness something—I’ve forgot by now because it’s been many years since I’ve studied that shit
But the point is, is that the fitter you are
You have more potential to get stronger even
So anyway,
It’s never bad to go for a run
It’s also never bad to go to the gym and lift weights
It’s also never bad to talk to a new girl
Like why would it be bad to go talk to a new girl in the street if you’re single?
So if you’re walking, why would it be bad to talk to a new girl?
You might learn something
It’s an experience
You might end up having fun
You might end up going on a date with her
You might end up having a nice pleasant conversation
I remember when I used to work in Debenhams (which is a retail store in the UK by the way)
So I used to work there when I was 17-18
And I remember I was speaking to so many people back then
That’s when I was in that era of just like “Be positive talking to everyone”
And I was reading some of these Tony Robbins books,
And he was always talking about being positive and all that stuff
And I was on that positivity wave for a bit right,
Not overly like a hippy junky, but just talk to people
Be friendly, and you’ll get good energy back
And it’s AMAZING how true that is
You give someone a sincere compliment—watch how it change’s everything
Sincere is the key word
You have to ACTUALLY mean the compliment
Because how many times in life do you see someone’s shoes and think they’re actually cool?
You don’t say “Yo bro you got cool shoes”
Just yesterday I was in the Uber and I told the Uber driver, I was like:
“Bro, you’ve got sick tattoos bro”
He was like Ah thank you man
Like that’s the kind of stuff… He’ll remember that for the next week
Now sure he might get that a lot because they are cool tattoos
But the point I’m making, is that maybe no one tells him
Even though a lot of people maybe actually think he has cool tattoos,
Maybe not THAT many people tell him
Or maybe not that many people in the Uber tell him
Maybe it’s more when he’s walking outside
You know what I’m trying to say? The point is he’ll probably remember
And then it just creates good energy around you
All these things

Replace billionaire with millionaire, listen and learn… Lil Baby giving the game away… Keep your energy on yourself if you KNOW you’re gonna make it
So even if you don’t know how to get rich
You do know that it’s good to go on a run,
You do know that eating steak is better than eating burgers,
And pizza,
You also know that sleeping 8 hours is better than sleeping 2 hours
You know that not smoking weed is better than smoking weed
And you know that becoming an alcoholic is not good
And you know that jerking off is not good
And you know that watching TV is not going to do anything good for you
And you know that consuming, consuming, consuming and never focusing on production is also bad
Like you all know these things already right?
Just like you know you shouldn’t punch a wall as hard as you can
Because you’re gonna break your hand
You’re gonna break your fucking wrist, cut something
Nothing is gonna happen besides you hurting yourself
So you know that nothing good can come from punching a wall
Just like you know not to jump off a cliff
Just like you know you shouldn’t jump off a balcony
Just like you know you know you shouldn’t start assaulting random people on the street
Like you already know what NOT to do
And you already know WHAT to do
Now yes, there is a lot of nuance to these points, you know in terms of the order in which you should do things
How much you should prioritize certain things—sure
But you’re gonna learn these things from experiences anyway bro
So why are you doubting yourself so much?
Why are you sitting there telling yourself “Bro, I don’t know what to do”
You already roughly know what to do
And you know that you wanna make money
But you don’t know how to make money
Well here’s what I always say to people
As long as you’re directionally correct,
Instead of absolutely correct,
You’ll be okay
And what this basically means is:
Just move in the right direction
Don’t try and be specifically
Or absolutely
Or completely
Because you’re not gonna be able to know what is the specific answer, a)
And b) it takes too much time to work out what the specific answer is
So it’s just much quicker to just begin and move in the right direction
And once you’re in the right direction
You’ll find clues
And tips
And tricks on the way to help you get there quicker
There’s a couple of analogies I can give you, but you know that game hot or cold
Where you’re blind folded or something, or your eyes are closed,
And you have to touch something… I don’t even know what the game is but I remember this game hot or cold where you have to close your eyes
And just walk until you have to reach this target or some shit
All I know is this rough idea right,
I’m sure you know what I mean by hot or cold
You close your eyes and walk and someone is saying cold cold cold,
Colder colder colder,
Warmer warmer hot!
Hot hot hot, and you know the closer you get to hot the closer you get to your target
So you’ve just got to keep doing what you’re doing
Which is walking in the right direction,
You know?
And then you’re gonna get closer
Just like the universe can tell you cold cold cold
You just have to LISTEN
Listen to when the universe is speaking to you
Listen to the universe,
If you listen to the universe you’ll be alright
That’s it
-Hassan Haider
aka Mr. Overpaid
Watch my YouTube video below to learn WHY it’s important to build your status up as a man
Let me know what you boys think in the comments