Best investment you can make


I get this question all the time when people start making a bit of money.

“Hassan, what is the best investment I can make? Crypto? Stocks? Real Estate?”

My answer is ALWAYS the same.


Which person has the larger potential for returns?

Person A: Invests and makes 10/20% a year on investing in ‘typical’ ways


Person B: Invests into likeminded guys who have the potential to become MILLIONAIRES

Think about it like this.

Let’s say you invest $1,000 in Bitcoin and you make 50% returns (ROI)

That’s $500 profit

But you’re still BROKE and you didn’t gain any useful skills or information.

You just looked at a chart.

Now let’s say you invest $1,000 on dinners with influential guys in your area and helping your friend’s business.

The ROI is incalculable.

Your friend might become super successful and remember you helped him in the beginning, you might gain access to key information that allows you to reach the next level.

Way better than any ‘traditional’ investment you could make.

When I started making a bit of money I made my private online community called NEW MONEY 

There were 2 reasons why.

  1. I wanted to have friends all over the world I could travel and enjoy life with

  2. I wanted to have a network of like-minded potential business partners in the future

and now I have BOTH all because I invested in PEOPLE

My business partner Craig lives with me on the Palm in Dubai and we travel the world meeting other NEW MONEY guys

Me and Craig my business partner at the Amsterdam NEW MONEY event

So if you are starting to see some money now.

INVEST in others.

If you’re low on money then it’s even MORE important to be in a place where people can provide you opportunities to make MONEY.

NEW MONEY gives you access to 1300+ young guys who are HUNGRY for money.

Endless opportunities are posted in the group and new members start businesses together DAILY

Reply to this email with ‘I’m ready’ If you think NEW MONEY is the right place for you

Personally replying to all messages.

- Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid

Find out more about NEW MONEY here
