Dont Be Arrogant- 14th Feb

You need to avoid being like this, if you want to succeed

Everyone is arrogant.

Now obviously not everyone

But I guarantee you a lot a lot of you reading this email right now are arrogant and entitled.

If you’re starting to think ‘he’s chatting shit’ then you need to read this email the most.

I've been in business now for over four years

I started trying to make money now for just over four years.

October 2019 is when I started my doo-2-door sales job.

I'd say it took me until about July 2020 when I started figuring out more stuff.

I started to realize I was getting pimped at my job and all this stuff

So really my experience in business, working for myself, is around 3 and a half years.

Since then I've been working hours and hours every day for years and years I've never really had a proper day off.

I've been trying my hardest for three and a half years.

I've done so many phone calls

More phone calls and you can imagine.

Even just within my private community NEW MONEY

93% of the group have had an intro call with me and then I've done other calls like checkup calls and if you guys need help.

I've done calls with you guys.

I don't have to do that.

I don't have to offer that but I still do it.

Then think about my Twitter

I have over 100k followers

But how many tweets?

30-something thousand tweets?

Then think about all my voice notes

Instagram stories

Think about how many messages I send inside NEW MONEY

Hundreds a day

Tens of thousands altogether

Think about all of this, think about all this volume.

Then think about yourself.

How do you expect to be successful if you haven’t done anything?

This is what I mean by you’re all too arrogant

All the time one of you guys say

‘Hassan I want to be like you, I want the cars like you, I want your lifestyle.’

Then I ask you what you are working on and you say you’re thinking of getting into E-comm?


What the fuck are you doing?

How arrogant and entitled could you be?

If you want my results you have to put in my input.

It’s that simple. Who do you think you are, thinking you can do WAY less than me over the last 3 and a half years and then still get the same results as me?

It’s fucking insane.

The world doesn’t work this way.

Guys it actually blows my mind

I’m here telling you exactly how to be in my position and then some of you will still NOT join NEW MONEY and not work hard

Because you’re arrogant and entitled

You only get to be arrogant when you are me…

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid

Reply to this email saying ‘I’m ready to learn Hassan’ if you are NOT arrogant and entitled and are ready to join NEW MONEY.

I’ll be replying personally to all of you who want to actually become successful.


Make sure you also follow my main Instagram ———> @mroverpaid

I’m giving away a Rolex on there when I hit 15k