Don't forget who you are - Jan 2nd ✅

Never forget who you are

A lot of you guys forget who you were when you were young you had all these big goals.

You had these big aspirations now society has just beaten all of these things out of you.

You don't even know what you are hustling so hard for.

You’re sending emails your cold calling and under the guise of ‘hustling’ but you don't even have any sort of vision for yourself or your life.

Remember the reason why you're working.

Remember the goals you had when you were a child.

Don’t lose sight of those fucking huge huge visions

Those big goals, those big dreams when you were young and you had an ego and competitive spirit

Refuse to let life, society or certain people beat this out of you.

Me in Miami

There are people your age living in Tokyo Japan right now in a big penthouse, one guy and two of his boys.

They're living in the same huge apartment.

The nicest apartment in the city.

They have an amazing view right, they fuck loads of bitches.

They have loads of money.

They drive the best cars

They eat the best food.

There’s guys in Toronto doing the same thing.

Sydney, Beverley Hills.

Right this very second they are doing whatever the fuck they want.

What's stopping you from doing those things?

The only thing stopping you is…

You forgot who you are.

You lost your mojo.

These guys kept that ‘lust for life’ alive.

Spend time every day reminding yourself who you are.

Why are you working so hard?

When you're winning it's easy to continue

When you're losing and everything's going wrong

You think ‘fuck this I don't want to do this’

You never think like this when you’re young

This is the thing when you're young you feel like you're always gonna win

and nothing can ever go wrong,

Then when you're older your lust for life starts to dwindle as you start understanding the realities of the world.

You start thinking to yourself.

“Maybe I’m not cut out for success”

You are cut out for success because nobody actually thinks like this.

Nobody is positive and nobody believes.

There is literally no competition.

As long as you keep your spirit and fighting energy alive.

Refuse to get beat down by life and you will inevitably become successful.

Reply to this email and tell me your biggest goals in life.

I’m replying to the best ones only with advice on how EXACTLY to make them a reality.

— Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid


Make sure you also follow my main Instagram ———> @mroverpaid

I’m giving away a Rolex on there when I hit 15k.