Alright boys

This e-mail is going to be about when I started door-door sales, being kicked out of uni, going to Bulgaria, my feelings in that moment, and how it’s going to help you guys

Because how I felt is how you guys might currently be feeling

And just a bunch of different stuff so there might be a lot of side points and I’m going to split it into parts so this will be a bit long

So a lot of you guys know I got kicked out of uni

After I got kicked out of uni, my first job was a door-to-door sales job selling boilers

A lot of you boys know I was traveling the world after a while so I’m going to talk about the whole shit

I remember when I got kicked out of uni I was obviously super frustrated, angry, annoyed

I know you guys have heard me talk about this a million times

But, something I don’t talk about a lot which I think I should is one of the most frustrating points, or aspects about these things is…

Everyone just almost thinks you’re a weirdo because they don’t understand what you’re doing

So I had a good friend of mine say “You can’t sell boilers forever”

I had lots of people saying to me “What are you actually doing”

And they almost look down on you in a way

Because it’s like, everyone is so used to uni this, uni that, like you HAVE to get a degree right,

And if you don’t have a degree you’re almost seen as a weirdo

So no one understood what I was doing

I was doing forex

I was doing this d2d sales job

Just trying to make money

Trying to learn how to make money online

The whole lot

And everyone just kinda thought I was a weirdo like wtf is Hassan doing,

He’s not really doing much, he’s just wasting his life

And it’s kinda bad because it kinda stains your reputation in a way right,

It’s not nice to have people think “Oh, this guy is just a loser, he’s not doing much”

I don’t think they thought I was a loser, but it’s just a bunch of people who probably thought Hassan was at uni, a great uni,

Doing a good course

You know he’s smart, he was doing all these things and now he’s just working some random sales job

A lot of people probably thought wtf is he doing right,

“He’s not in a very good position”

And that’s just annoying when you’re a very ambitious person

You wanna do well

You wanna like… Prove to yourself that you can be successful in all these things and everyone is kinda doubting you

It's kind of like… Annoying

But it also motivates you

But yeah, it’s also like a lot of you guys need to hear this because you’re on this path right now where you’re not actually successful at the moment

But other people are calling you deluded because you haven’t actually become successful yet

So I just wanna kinda give you guys some points on that

When you’re on your path and YOU KNOW you’re going to be successful—don’t let these people’s doubts and criticism of you actually get to you

When you pull it off, THEY’LL ALL SHUT UP

There’s a brief period, depending how quickly it takes you

6 months, a year, 2 years, 3 years,

Before you actually pull it off and people aren’t gonna think you’re weird

That you didn’t know what you were doing

They’re not gonna understand your journey


Because so many people are on this path and they’re not going to make it

And if you know you’re one of those special ones where you know you’ll actually pull it off

Just stick to your path

Stick to your journey

It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 right now, 24, or 29—it doesn’t matter

It’s the same process right

At the end of the day, all those ages I’ve just mentioned are super fucking young

In the grand grand scheme of things

Most people those ages are fucking losers

So when you’re going against the norm

When you’re doing something unique

OF COURSE people are gonna say “Yeah, you’re not gonna do it. You’re deluded”

Because everything they’ve ever seen… You know, doesn’t indicate that someone can pull it off

They’ve only seen losers their whole life. They’ve never seen someone who pulled it off

Think of all the friends I had in school, all the friends I had in uni… They’ve never seen anyone become as successful as me

They’ve never seen it with their own eyes

How can I call them all haters and dickheads for not believing in me when they’ve just never seen it!


If we know we have that vision to do more and be more, we’re lucky

We’re blessed!

Is it God’s blessing? I don’t know what blessing it is right

It’s something though

All of you reading this are obviously blessed to some degree, otherwise you wouldn’t think you could do more

The reason why most people don’t try in the first place bro is because they don’t think they can do more

If I told you right now—go run a marathon in x amount of time, 3 hours, 4 hours,

You might be unsure if you could do it right, you’d be like “Uh I don’t know about that one mate, that’s quite quick. I’m not sure.”

But if I told you there’s a million pounds, and you do it in under let’s say 3 hours, you get a million pounds

NEW MONEY Canada 🇨🇦 

But if you don’t do it, you have to pay a million

I wouldn’t take that deal because I’m pretty sure I can’t do it in 3 hours, like zero percent chance, so I’m not taking that deal

In general, humans don’t attempt something they know they can’t do

It’s like that saying “He who thinks he can and he who thinks he can’t are both usually right”

It’s completely true

Your friends who don’t believe in themselves, they’re right! They can’t pull it off

Why are you blaming them?

They just cant do it because they think they cannot

Don’t waste your time fam

You can’t convince someone into thinking a different way just using words, it doesn’t work

Humans naturally have a shield against other people’s persuasion right

If you’re trying to someone purely with words, it’s very very difficult right

“Do this!”


You have to show them through results

Pull up in a Lambo, then they’ll take what you say more seriously

And even then, you get to a point where you genuinely stop caring

All the people I wanted to help when I was on the come up, I’ve lost COMPLETE interested in wanting to help them

Because one, with a lot of them I just stopped becoming friends and maybe 1 or 2 people I still speak to here and there

But two, I really am over it

Like I just don’t care anymore because I’ve learned in life that it doesn’t work

Let people do what they want

“Live and let live”


You should only be talking to the people and only connecting with the people who think like you

That’s why NEW MONEY is so powerful because you can just connect with all the people in the group

Who all think like you and you know think like you

But in real life when you talk to people from school or in uni or your work place, or the gym, or here or there

It’s just a loosing fucking battle

And I don’t like loosing battles

It’s just not worth the time, nor worth the energy

Like why are you playing those games bro

There’s just no point… Like WHY? It makes no fucking sense AT ALL


The thing is you do it because you really want your friend to be successful and stuff

What you need to do is realize bro that people naturally grow apart as they get older anyway

Like, most likely that person won’t be your friend because you’re gonna climb up to the top and you’re gonna make millions and millions

You’re gonna start making money online, you’re gonna start traveling the world

You’re probably not gonna be friends with them if they’re still stuck in the 9-5 job and you’re traveling the world doing all these cool things

You’re just naturally gonna grow apart—it’s normal

So you’re wasting all this time trying to carry this person up the mountain with you

And by doing that you’re not even gonna make it up the mountain yourself

And if you’re failing not making it up the mountain they’re gonna be like “I told you bro you couldn’t do it”

When the whole time the reason why you couldn’t do it is because you tried to bring them with you!



Climb to the top of the mountain, and if they wanna come to the top, well they can start climbing themselves and you can give them a hand

You can reach down and bring them back up,right

But yeah man it’s just a lot of wasted time because I remember I used to be sat there like “Everyone thinks I’m doing this, I’m doing that, and they don’t understand what I’m doing”

I would try and persuade them into my way of thinking

Persuade them to understand what I’m doing so maybe they can help me, and we can make money together

“We can do this and we can do that”


And I’m telling you as well once you naturally start to level up—it gives you perspective of how the world works

Because money does change people

For the better and the worse

So as you start making more money, you learn more about human nature

That’s why I actually like making money so much, or at least one of the reasons because,

The more money I make, I start learning how the world actually works

Do you see what I’m saying?

So yeah I’ve just learned so so much

And I’m just going to leave it at that in regards to that point

There’s just no point in trying to help people too much

People either have it in them or they don’t

I really do believe that

And it’s like you only have so much time in this world

If you’re there sat there worrie about this person and that person

They’re all just getting distracted by trivial bullshit

Like 95% of society gets distracted by a bit of drugs

A bit of drinking

A bit of television—TV shows, movies

Their girlfriend arguing with them about some bullshit that happened earlier in the workplace

Her boss was shouting at them and now she’s taking it out on you

The whole dynamic is just FUCKED

The normal 9-5 life just always kind of repelled me—like MASSIVELY

It just gave me the “ick” lol

It made me think “Wtf, this is disgusting”

The whole dynamic is shit man

-Hassan Haider

aka Mr. Overpaid