Being an Entrepreneur is Becoming an Investor Part 2

Lets get right into it boys

Now, how do you invest your time correctly?

In my opinion

The way you invest your time, money, energy, and everything

Is on acquiring new skills and learning more information

These are the best investments you can make

If you are becoming smarter every single day and you're learning more and more and more

And you're becoming more and more skilled every single day

You're going to get to a point where you just know so much—you're just too skilled and you'll start making money

Like if you knew how to speak well and you are good at coding, right?

And you had a good network because you're always talking to other people and always exchanging information

And you learn which different apps to use and different software that could help you, blah, blah, blah

Before you know it, you will find your way into some money

There's a saying that says, hang around the barbershop long enough and you'll get a haircut

And that just basically means if you're around the money for a certain amount of time, eventually you're gonna make the money, right?

Just like how if you're around 10 friends who all smoke cigarettes every single night, eventually you're going to start smoking cigarettes

And some people say, oh, that's not true


It's just that you've not spent enough time

Now, maybe for some people, it'll be more time than others. Some people will be less time than others


which is why it's so important to become or surround yourself with the people you want to become like right?

It's super super important and not just who you surround yourself with in real life

But also who you surround yourself with online—because nowadays we spend more time on our phones than we do talking to people in real life so your online connections are almost more important

That's why you guys should all join NEW MONEY because you spend more time on your phone than anywhere else

My latest NEW MONEY event in LONDON 🇬🇧 earlier this month of June 2024

Anyway, back on topic

Which was—you need to sit there and think, okay, well, which skills, which information is going to be worth my time, to invest in?

In my opinion

Things like sales and marketing

And speaking

And learning how to manage different people

And handle different people

These are all the TOP TOP skills in the world

learning how to speak on camera has become a very important skill as well

In my opinion, these are mega skills and the reason for that is because sales and marketing are applied to every business


They apply to absolutely every business whereas something like coding doesn't apply to every single business

Or it just might not be used in every single business

But YOU becoming a better salesman and YOU becoming a better marketer is always going to be vital

It's always going to be important because even if you have a marketing team

A sales team for your company

It's still very very beneficial to know these things on a basic level or decent level

Because it's just important when talking to other people

It's important when talking to staff

It's important when negotiating

It's important when you're trying to start up a new business

it's important when you're trying to manage the sales team, it's just THAT important

It's one of those things that's extremely important just take my word for it right

There's a reason why if you look at the top entrepreneurs in the world whether they're billionaires or even millionaires

Most of them have a sales background and the reason for that is because it's just such a strong skill to have as a background

It just leads to so many other things

If you're very very good at sales I feel like it almost guarantees that you will become a millionaire

I really think it basically guarantees that and that’s another thing—we have sales jobs inside of NEW MONEY

so if you're reading this right now and not yet inside NEW MONEY

Get inside quickly because if you're good at sales we have sales jobs inside of NEW MONEY that will allow you to replace your 9-5 for online income

And I teach SALES inside of NEW MONEY

But anyway

It's very very easy for you to become rich

If sales can help you that much to make money you want to do anything you can to learn sales

So it’s always a good investment to learn sales

Learn marketing

Learn how to speak to people

These are always good investments

So don't try and learn things that aren't going to be that practical

Like learning a new language such as French, German, Italian, but!

Learning English if you're a foreign speaker is very very important because all over the world we speak English

But not all over the world do we speak French

So you want to invest your time and energy into things which will either help you learn new things or help you become more skilled

So if you spend two hours every day doing sales, and learning marketing, these things are worth your time doing

Now—the best way to learn is just by doing it

Get a sales job, online sales job, door-to-door sales job, right?

Spend time marketing, spend time in front of the camera, spend time talking to the camera.

These things will all help you become more skilled.

But anyway, boys, get inside NEW MONEY

If you found this email valuable and not inside NEW MONEY yet what's the delay?

Message me on my business Instagram @mroverpaid “READY” to get inside TODAY

See you inside boys

Take care.

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid


Check out one of my recent YouTube videos where I show you the only 7* hotel in the world and how sick it is