It Feels Good To Inspire People 🚀


Just to extend on the previous e-mail

I just told myself that

I actually have to work even harder

I have to actually go to the next level, because

Inspiring people and pushing people

To believe in their own self

Is actually the most cool and humbling and amazing feeling

Like just after the last e-mail I got so many replies saying

“Bro you’re changing lives, thank you so much”

And I don’t know,

It made me feel good

It made me feel good not because of my ego

I really don’t think it was that

I really think it’s cool to know

That there’s some guy on the other side of that phone screen

Who’s literally sat there just thinking like

“Yo, that actually inspired me”

“That helped me”

You know?

Like it’s fucking cool

Like I don’t know

Sometimes when I write these e-mails where I’m explaining a point

And I feel like yeah that was a smart point

Maybe that is a bit of ego kicking in


I guess so

But obviously that’s me trying to be helpful as well

But I don’t know

When I’m more calm

And I’m just…

Really trying to help people

I don’t think that’s ego

I think I just like it

I don’t know, it feels good to inspire people

I’m just kinda sat here reflecting on that thought these last couple of minutes

Like I don’t know, I need to go even harder

Even more impact

Go harder

Get to that next level

Because it’s just fucking cool

It feels cool to help more people

I don’t know how to say it in any other way

It’s a very cool cool feeling

So reply to this with “COOL”,

And I’ll be helping you based on your current situation

Let’s go

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid