🚨 WHY You Have to FOCUS On Making One Move at a Time


The BIGGEST mistake people make when they try and change their life

Is they try and change everything at once

Why are you,

Trying to change everything

Absolutely at once?



If you

Get a pen and paper

And start writing every problem

Or issue you have in business or in your life

You can come up with 10

15, 20 things

Loads of things

(So this is what you need to do:

Reply to this email with “ONE MOVE AT A TIME”

And I will help you solve your business/life problems you have currently

But you need to be quick since I’ll only be available for the next 2 hours only

Lets go)

If you try and change all those things at one time

You’re not gonna go anywhere

You’re gonna get overwhelmed

You’re gonna start feeling depression

Start making one of those changes

Then another change

Then another change

One thing at a time





It’s almost like

NEW MONEY Romania 🇷🇴 

In life,

If you could just do 1 BIG thing a day

Think about how quickly you’d get ahead

Everyone just tries to do everything in 1 day

That’s WHY daily tasks are so IMPORTANT

Today you say,

“Alright, I’m going to go to the gym

I’m going to eat well

I’m going to drink lots of water

I’m going to call my mum

I’m not gonna smoke weed

I’m going to do this,

And this,

I’m going to tidy my bed/my room

And I’m going to work on this 1 BIG THING in my business

Or I’m going to hire this 1 new employee

And I’m going to train him up”

Something so simple like that…


Because you’ve gone to the gym

You’ve eaten well

You might have learned some few things

You might have listened to my voice notes

And you’ve hired this member of staff,

That’s a good day

Alright then, tomorrow,

You go gym

Same thing, you do all those things

So eating healthy

You’re getting bigger and stronger

And then you’ve done something else for your business


Maybe you’ve post your first-ever YouTube video

Think about that

Within 2 days you’ve hired an extra member of staff


You’ve now started posting on YouTube

That’s a BIG BIG improvement to your business or your company

Do you see what I’m saying?

Just 1 little thing at a time bro

It’s not even one little thing-it’s actually quite a big thing

But when you think about having ALL DAY for that 1 thing

It makes it sound so easy that,

You don’t end up getting overwhelmed

Because when you feel overwhelmed

It slows down your speed

It slows down how quickly you can make moves

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid



Make sure you’re inside my free Telegram Channel if you like this sort of content/information

I go more in-depth inside there with voice notes, pictures/videos, and live calls all in real-time ⬇️

P.P.S. ‼️

Don’t forget to watch all my videos on my NEW YouTube Channel where I drop sick game like on this e-mail in video format

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section, and what you’d like to see me talk about next 🔥