HOW To Get Clients

Once you get good at a skill—whether it’s copywriting, creating thumbnails or whatever

It’s now time for you to actually get clients because if you don’t get clients you’re not gonna make any money

It doesn’t matter how good you are,

If you don’t get clients you’re not gonna make ANY money

So you need to sit there and think okay

How the fuck do I actually get myself some clients? Okay?

And now the answer is—you’ve got paid ads, you’ve got organic content which is organic marketing, and then you’ve got outreach

Now you also have referrals but I’m not going to talk about that right now in the beginning,

Because not too many people are going to know you

Or have bought your product or service, so not yet

So you’ve got,

Paid traffic

Organic marketing

And outreach okay?

Now paid ads and paid ads it’s difficult because you need money to pay for that

So let’s not even talk about that, reduce it to 2 main ways

Posting content (which is organic/inbound)

Or outbound (outreach, cold DM’ing, cold calling, whatever you want to call it)

Or door knocking, whatever

They’re the 2 ways of making money, making sales, okay?

So how do you get clients?

First, you have to get good at something

So let’s say you’re good at creating thumbnails and YouTube videos

Which is the little picture preview you see of a video before clicking to actually watch that video

So you click on the picture if it’s a good picture

So by having a good thumbnail, you’re gonna get more views on your video

It’s something I need to improve on my own videos, right

So by having a good thumbnail creator it’s actually very important to double or triple your views, based on how good that thumbnail is

So you’re providing a real tangible bit of value


So your offer is very clear—you can double or triple someone’s views based on how good your thumbnails are

So why would someone not pay you a lot of money if you can show them how much better your thumbnails are than the ones they’re currently getting


So let’s say you get really good at making thumbnails because you spent 100 hours, 500 hours on learning how to make thumbnails for 6 months of your life

You get REALLY good at it

Then you can train other people how to get good

Then you can create your own agency

Have people underneath you, like I said in the e-mail yesterday

So, because you’re good at getting thumbnails done

When you outbound to people, outreach, cold call, and speak to these people

You’re gonna have way more confidence and conviction in your self

That’s point 1

And point 2, that’s what you need to do

You NEED to outbound and message as many people as possible and let them know about your service

Let them know about your product, and they have way more chance of buying from you

Because they can actually see you’re good

You can show social proof, previous customers you’ve worked with,

You can show testimonials


And also you can start posting content about why thumbnails are very important

If I was a thumbnail editor—I would spend all my time on social media talking about thumbnails on YouTube, why it’s so important to have a good guy make them for you

And why they increase your videos by double the views

And this is the truth—If I saw 1 of you in my Telegram channel talking about thumbnails all day long on YouTube, I would DM you

And I’d be like yo bro how much do you charge for a thumbnail

Can you do me a free thumbnail? Let’s just see how it does

How long have you been doing thumbnails for? I’d just strike a conversation with you

Because you actually have something to offer me

Just like how I would go to the guy willing to cut my hair, the barber

Because he can do something for me

I’m not just going to talk to a random stranger for no reason


NEW MONEY Kuala Lumpur 🇲🇾 

This whole world is based on utility and value

If someone can do something for you, you like them

When the pilot flies the plane, I like him because he gets me to my destination

When the Uber driver drives my car, yeah i’m happy he’s getting paid because he’s doing something for me

He’s driving the car to transport me form this location to that location

That’s pure value

Everyone understands it when it comes to big big business like planes and uber drivers



And yeah maybe you can’t start a restaurant on zero capital living with your parents, sure, I agree

But there’s nothing stopping you from doing websites for people

Doing copy for people

Script YouTube videos for people

Help set up VSL (video sales letter) for people

There’s nothing stopping you from doing the things above I just mentioned, and then just being able to sell 2 people who need those things

Because at times, even I need those things, and I do need those things

Right, so it all just depends on what you need

Like I currently need a VSL and I’m sure if I came across somebody that’s the best at VSL’s and has been doing it for a long time,

And showed me that they’re good at sales

And shows me that it’s going to make me way more back in return

Then I’m sure I’d pay them a couple grand

I’m sure I’d pay them


I’ve paid someone $15,000 dollars for a website like 4 months ago and I’ve not used the website because I’ve been lazy with it and I don’t want a website, truthfully

But I’ll get back to that at some point

It’s not that I’ve been scammed, he’s actually been following up with me and I just kept delaying it because I cba, right

It was so far down my priority list I just couldn’t give a fuck

But the point I’m making, right

Once you’re good at something, NOW you have something you can offer to the world

It’s just about getting people to know what you have to offer

And not everyone is going to like your offer

Some people are going to be like “Oh you make thumbnails for a living? You must be a fucking loser”

“You’re stupid”

“You’re an idiot”

But it doesn’t matter what they say, what they think because YOU know what’s up

You know the value you provide to clients

Like you can make $20k per month making thumbnails for people, obviously


Think about it

If you create a bunch of thumbnails for a bunch of people

And then you get repeat clients because someone’s going to hire you for more than 1 video

They’re gonna hire you for every video

Then you’re gonna make A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY

But the reason why you don’t believe you can make a lot of money is because you’re sat there at home thinking

“Oh no thumbnails are such a small job, such a small task”

“No one is gonna pay me for thumbnails”

YOU WILL get paid for thumbnails, you just have to get good at making thumbnails so that people can see the value inside of you


-Hassan Haider

aka Mr. Overpaid


I give tons of game and free value on all my platforms; Twitter, Telegram, YouTube

So feel free to check out the video below and let me know what you think of it in the comments and what you’d like to see me talk more of,

It’s actually me replying to you everywhere—even here, so lets go boys