If I told random people how to make money and all these things

Because they were like “Hassan give me the secret”

And I gave them the RAW TRUTH of how, but it is really boring yet effective

They will be like “Bro that’s too simple it can’t be that simple”

But if YOU can type quickly

And you can speak well

And you’re confident

And you increase your natural energy levels

Not no pep talk by Pep Guardiola to increase your energy

But I mean on your average average day

How are you at typing? How are you at speaking? How are you at making decisions?

These sorts of things will determine how good you are—how skilled you are as a character

And if your character is at a higher level, you’re gonna make more money

Like if you could choose your video game character

I bet you would choose to be 6 foot 6,

You’d choose to be strong, good at fighting, good at speaking

You’d choose to be good at everything right

Everyone understands the physical things

But the speaking thing for example, the typing thing, your emotional resilience

People don’t look at these intangible soft things

People only pay attention to height and physical things

But your soft things you can argue are more important than the physical right

I mean I believe you can argue that because it’s TRUE

Look at what this NEW MONEY member said about DO MORE THINK LESS

Because you obviously want to be good at every area of your life

Don’t neglect those intangible soft things that can’t really be measured

Don’t be one of those guys that just says intelligence is bullshit

Like at the end of the day if you’re 95% smarter than people—surely you’re gonna make more money than the majority of those people


Like I know if I could speak Arabic fluently, I’d be even richer

But not necessarily like right now—maybe if I learned Arabic at the expense of something else maybe I won’t be richer

But I know in the future if I learned Arabic on top of everything that I know it’d help me for business and all these things

So I’m going to learn Arabic in the future when I have a bit more time

So that’s the way you need to look at things

The more SKILLS you have, the more money you will make

But don’t learn something random like German because German is a bullshit language and only Germans speak German

But Arabic—the whole of the Middle East speaks Arabic

Very rich, wealthy people speak Arabic

In my opinion, it’s a more useful language because more people speak Arabic, a)

And b) I’m Arab so if I speak Arabic that’s useful

But if you’re Italian learning German that isn’t so useful

Do you see what I’m saying?

So keep that in mind boys

Learn the right skills, and prioritize the right skills first

And the money will come

Trust me

-Hassan Haider

aka Mr.Overpaid


Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where I drop exclusive game no one else is willing to tell you, like these 7 mistakes stopping you from being successful

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