Hatred for everyone - Jan 25th

I’m about to tell you how to dominate in 2024

This is one of the best tips I can give you

You need to start developing a hatred for everything and everyone

I get pissed off at other people

It pisses me off at how slow and lazy other people

And I promise you this is one of the big things that motivates me

I just think about how dumb and stupid the average person is

Is and It just gives me fucking hatred for them.

It fuels me to be 10x better than them in all areas

It’s kind of hard to explain over email but hate is a fantastic motivator and a lot of you need to be using it more.

You need to be thinking

‘Fuck the average person I want to be so much better.

I want to be larger, greater.’

If you think like this you will continue to push for more and more and more.

I hold the same standards of myself that I do for everyone

I think this is why I despise them so much


Because I know the only thing that makes me not hate myself

Is if I'm hard-working.

Anytime I’m slightly lazy or unproductive, seeds of doubt and depression creep into my mind.

So good job…

I'm a fucking animal.

I train really hard.

I got to work really hard.

I talk really quickly, I do things quickly, type quickly, think pretty quickly make decisions really quickly.

I do everything quickly and with SPEED…

because I despise and disrespect people who do things slowly

So if I do things quickly I will respect myself more

Understand the power of hatred now?

So it's like it's very easy to know what you need to do in life because you just need to think what do I not respect?

Think about what you hate about other people and then just do the exact opposite of them

Fortunately for me, I’ve managed to shelter myself away from the average person.

I created my private community NEW MONEY to accomplish this very goal.

Inside the network, there are 1399 guys just like you who all DESPISE average and are improving their connections and money-making abilities DAILY.

Now the ONLY people I’m surrounded by is hard-working smart people like yourself reading this

So my question is


If you between the ages of 17/28 and are from:



  • UK



Reply to this email saying ‘cash’ and I’ll be personally responding to them all.

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid


Make sure you also follow my main Instagram ———> @mroverpaid

I’m giving away a Rolex on there when I hit 15k