
Sometimes I get angry at these hotel workers, because how are they so incompetent?

How are they so slow?

How do they take a million years to help do something so basic like make me a new room key

A new room card

But then I sit there and think to myself,

There’s a reason why they’re working this job

They’re working this job because that’s where they lie in society

That’s where there position is

That’s where they rank in the hierarchy of life and you just have to accept that and realize people are what they are right

And it goes to your friends as well

Don’t try and go change your friends and try and make them into something they’re not

It’s hard enough changing yourself in this life

Think about the goals YOU have: Trying to get rich, trying to get in shape, trying to get more girls

Trying to get the best woman of your life

Blah blah blah,

Think about how harder it is yourself to make progress

Yet alone right,

Yet alone trying to change someone else and trying to drag someone else up

Just look at people for what they are

If someone is a bus driver, they’re a bus driver

If someone is a taxi driver, they’re a taxi driver

If someone cleans the floor or the toilets, that’s what they are

Obviously someone can change and become more


But what I’m saying is don’t try and be the guy who changes them

Let THEM be the one who changes them

If they ask you for advice now that’s different,

NEW MONEY is the best way to learn how to start making money online 🚀 🌎

You notice it amongst smart people

Smart people are very careful about giving advice

Like even when sometimes people are trying to give you advice, even if it’s my friend

Like “Yeah bro, obviously I’m not trying to give you advice but like, da da da da da…”

Just to like show respect

Because giving someone advice is annoying



You don’t want to be the kind of guy that’s like, “Yeah bro we should do this and we should do that”

And that’s what I used to do when I was younger and when I was on the come-up

But it’s amazing how as you get richer,

You just care less about trying to drag certain people up and you realize like…

People are what they are

Like if you guys are reading this e-mail right now,

Instead of reading some random bullshit online,

Some random meme, (now obviously you still do that kind of stuff), BUT,

These are the kind of people who WILL MAKE IT TO THE TOP

YOU GUYS are the kind of people who will make it to the top

The people who just spend all day consuming bullshit never get anywhere

You have to be the kind of guy that consumes the right content in terms of production

-Hassan Haider

aka Mr. Overpaid


Boys I’m writing to you from Monaco right now, hanging out with my brother and 1 of the NEW MONEY boys so if you’re not following me on Instagram yet make sure to follow me right now so you can see how sick this place is


Make sure to be on the lookout for my next email tomorrow because it will be the best one you read yet

I’ll be going over how I got started on this journey, DOOR 2 DOOR, getting kicked out of Uni, the whole lot