PRACTICAL Game You Can Implement

Boys I don’t like just sharing business advice

I like sharing also—life advice

Mindset stuff as well

And, one of the most practical tips I can give you in life is

Don’t get fucking stopover flights

Layover flights

Whatever you want to call them


Before you sit there and say “Hassan, is that really it?”

Because I know what you’re gonna say because I’m a sales master

Objection handler,

Listen to that advice and you will actually make it really far in life

Just make it a habit

Like if I waited until tomorrow, It would’ve just been a straight direct flight

But since I wanted to get to my destination sooner, I was just like “fuck it I’ll just get a stopover flight today”


It’s not worth it bro

There’s always some fucking problem

There’s always some stress

And when you end up thinking “Am I gonna make it when I get to my stopover place…”

And when you can’t really get any work done because it’s only 2 hours to wait

Then it’s like you’re walking to the place

It’s just too much bullshit

It’s just bullshit

DIRECT flights are the way

Another bit of practical advice is DON’T travel with luggage

Like if I had luggage now it’d be a problem

Because then I’d have to go back and get my luggage and wait and it would all just be a fucking nightmare

Like I don’t even know what would happen

But because I’ve got a rug sack and a normal duffle bag with me,

These things don’t bother me

That’s another bit of advice

Next bit of advice,

NEW MONEY will give you direct access to me and other like-minded men living in your city

Is when you obviously get your money up, flying business is cool

Just because you can lie down

You can sleep, and it’s just a good time to catch up on some sleep,

And it’s actually a good time to just lie down and do some thinking

Because normally I’m always just like attack attack, attack

But it’s actually a good time to think

Another thing is if you can’t afford business right now, that’s fine

Fly economy

But when you get the economy seats, make sure what you do is you get the seats with extra legroom

Because yes it might only be like an extra 50 dollars, but it’s so worth it

It’s so so worth it

Because for an extra 50 dollars, you now feel like a king

You feel richer than all the other people in economy

And it’s just training your mind to spend a bit more money

For extra comfort

Extra class

Extra… Like a better experience

So keep that in mind as well

-Hassan Haider

aka Mr. Overpaid


Check out my latest upload on YouTube where I go into detail of WHY you need to CHANGE yourself to become rich

Let me know what you guys think of the video in the comments and what you’d like to hear me talk about next

Cheers boys