Protect Your Time

Boys read this very carefully

Do not let people fuck with your time

You gotta stay focused

How are you ever gonna reach your full potential

If you're spending hours of your day hanging around losers or people distracting you?

You gotta stay completely locked in

NEW MONEY boys stay winning

That's how you make it to the top

Small circle

Don't let outsiders in

Don't chase too many girls and lose all of your time

Don't go to too many parties

Stay focused and get your shit together

Stay focused young G

That is why I say it’s extremely important to only be around people that will propel you forward in life

People that will motivate you, inspire you, like-minded positive people

And if you can’t find people like that in your hometown

Then that’s why NEW MONEY is for YOU

To put yourself in those positive environments and expose yourself to new information

Once you see the sort of value you’ll receive within my private network

You will ask why didn’t I join earlier

So get inside NOW before I increase the price to very soon

Message me on my business Instagram @mroverpaid with “NOW” to get inside today

Lets go boys

Take care and see you inside NEW MONEY

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid

Also—check out my latest video on YouTube where I give you a quick tour of my new apartment I moved in to and more 🤫