
So this guy posted a picture on Twitter ⬇️


And the reason why I’m posting this is because

Hopefully, NONE of you are suicidal

That’s not funny

That’s not a joke at all right

Don’t ever ever kill yourself

If you’re reading this right now and feeling suicidal

Don’t ever,




Because I promise you life can get better

DON’T ever ever EVEN THINK about it

It is literally Haram

It’s the worst thing you can do

Things can ALWAYS get better

And they WILL get better

I promise you that

But anyway, to go back to the point

This guy is 21

He’s a kid man

He’s young

You guys have got to understand that like

Just because there’s someone younger than you and more successful,

It doesn’t mean that you’re a loser

I’m 25 right now

There are people who are probably 17 who’ve got billionaire parents


Even I’d feel like a loser if I think about that but I don’t because I’m proud of myself for working hard

That’s what you have to understand

It’s not even about what you have

It’s about who you see in the mirror when you look there

When you look in the mirror do you see who’s working hard

Do you see someone who’s trying to do better

Do you see someone who’s using the gifts that God has given them

Or do you see someone who’s tapped out of life and given up?

Because that’s why people feel suicidal

They feel like if they’ve ran out of moves

They’ve ran out of options

They feel like they don’t know where to go anymore

They feel like their time is up

They feel like they’ve exhausted every single option

This guy needs someone to just tap him on the shoulder and be like bro

“You’ve only just begun.

You’re 21.

7 grand saved.

You’re gonna spend one thousand seven hundred ninety seven ($1,797) of that money joining NEW MONEY


Then, you’re gonna have some friends.

Like-minded people.

You’re gonna hit the fucking gym.

You’re gonna learn some skills.

Because when you become skilled, you’re gonna become more confident.

The only reason why you feel ugly as fuck-is because you’re not in the gym.”


“Maybe you wear really really nerdy clothes.

Once you start having friends in NEW MONEY,

Once you start going to the gym,

Then you can leave your parents house.


You’re gonna start making some money.

Confident people always find a way to make some money

Then you leave your family

You leave your hometown.”

See how quickly everything can change?


So if you’re going through a rut right now

Or if you feel like you’re stuck in life right now

Reply to this email with the word “MINDSET”

And I’ll be replying to all of my emails right now for the next 2 hours to help you guys

Lets fucking go

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid

🚨 ‼️


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