Sales teaches you to think - Feb 1st

Sales is the most important skill in the world

Sales teaches you to think less because when you’re knocking on those doors, making phone calls, or sending emails

You're constantly being rejected

If you take it personally every single time and start thinking why did this person buy why did this one not buy

You're gonna start just questioning yourself.

Then you start fucking up

You could be doing the correct thing but because someone rejected you you're going to think you did the wrong thing

but in reality, all that happened was that the person you're trying to sell to was impossible to sell to

This is the reality of life

A lot of people are UNSELLABLE

There's no point even thinking about it for one second

Doing door-2-door sales in the UK is where I learnt the philosophy of doing more and thinking less

Confidence and volume is way more important than overthinking and self-doubt

Overthinking, doubting yourself, and questioning your abilities are the fastest way to lose EVEN MORE SALES

All you need to do is just find new people to sell to because those people are sellable

It is that simple.


Every single one of you needs to get a sales job and stop thinking so much.

I say this to the boys inside NEW MONEY all the time because a lot of people just have a normal 9-5 job and they're sitting there trying to start online. business on the side.

I always say

“Why don’t you replace that current 9/5 with a 9/5 sales job instead?"

Now you’re still earning an income but you’re also developing the most important skill in the world”

Sales is a forever skill

It is something that will stick with you for the rest of your life

And something you can always fall back on no matter what your situation is

If you learn how to sell well you will ALWAYS have money.

Inside NEW MONEY one of the main focus of the group is sales.

We have endless sales opportunities being posted daily and I guarantee you’ll be able to find one once you join

If you’re looking to get into the sales industry JOIN NEW MONEY

Reply to this email saying ‘I’m ready to join’

And I’ll personally do your intro call and get you inside NEW MONEY

Only 3 spots remaining before the price doubles

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid


Make sure you also follow my main Instagram ———> @mroverpaid

Am giving away a Rolex once we hit 15k followers