The TRUTH About Reading Books - Feb 15th

Let's talk about reading books…

When I was 15/16 and brand new on this ‘self-improvement’ journey or whatever you want to call it

I remember searching online ‘how to get rich.’

Then all these self-improvement guys came up and one of them was Tai Lopez.

The real OGs reading this will remember him.

He had this massive YouTube ad where he was in his garage with his Lamborgini and then he said

‘You know what’s more important than this Lamboginigi….


He told everyone watching to read books and said this is the best way to develop your mind and become rich.

So I listened and went onto Amazon and ordered like 15/20 self-improvement books

  • Think rich grow rich

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad

All these classic self-improvement books

I remember reading some of them and thinking:

This is kind of cool.

I still didn’t know how to make money but I was like fuck it.

I have to trust the process maybe I'm just young things will come to me

I'll be successful if I keep reading.

I can look back on everything now and think:

The books were okay.

Maybe they developed my mind?

Maybe it just was mental masturbation?

It’s hard to tell.

All I know is that I started to get rich when I stopped reading and started acting.

If anything all they did was give me a bit more confidence that I was working towards becoming rich

So maybe It did help indirectly.

Reading is good in the beginning because you don’t know anyone interesting to tell you cool information.

Reading is not going to make you rich.

But learning the right information will.

I’m in such a good position to learn

I have good friends and a very good network.

I can just talk to the guys inside NEW MONEY who probably have more directly applicable, specialized knowledge than some generic self-improvement book does anyway.

So by not reading….

I’m now doing more and learning more thanks to how powerful NEW MONEY is.

Reading is useless for me because I can just talk to someone in NEW MONEY instead.

You need to set up your life the same

There’s nothing wrong with reading in the beginning but at some point, you need to improve your network to become successful.

That’s where the real ‘knowledge’ lies

Reply to this email with your current situation and which book you are reading rn and I will tell you my honest thoughts about it

I’ll be replying personally with free business advice.

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid


Make sure you also follow my main Instagram ———> @mroverpaid

I’m giving away a Rolex on there when I hit 15k