The More You Work The Slower Time Goes - 19th Feb

I’m about to teach you exactly how to slow down time.

When you're not getting much done, you feel like you're wasting your potential

You feel sad and miserable because you realize you're wasting your potential.

There’s nothing more soul-destroying than wasting your potential

One thing I like to do a lot that I’ve never heard anyone else speak about is…

Studying the regrets of others

Especially older people just before they die

If you do this you’ll realise they all have the same regrets

  • They wish they started that business

  • They wish they had gone harder

  • They wish they traveled to that country

  • They wish they lived more

To summarise the most common regrets in humans, they wish they used their time better

That’s it.

When you’re not working hard

You realize you're wasting your time.

That’s why it feels so bad to be unproductive.

You know you are going to regret it in the future.

When you're getting a lot done

You feel way better

You feel alive

You don't give a fuck about the output.

You don't give a fuck about the result.

I don’t care about my results because I know as long as I do task after task after task…

The results will take care of themselves.

If you guys are always in a position in life where you're spending too much time thinking about the results.

Then you’re not spending enough time taking action.

Always remember this.

Whenever I feel like life is going too quickly it's when I'm not doing enough.

Whenever I feel like time's going slowly,

I have all the time in the world.

That's because I'm doing a lot of stuff.

Everyone knows how valuable time is

So why aren’t you doing everything in your power to slow it down?


Guys I’m personally giving away free business advice to anyone who replies to this email ‘cash’

We also have 3 spots remaining inside NEW MONEY before the price doubles if you want to join NEW MONEY…

Reply ‘I’m ready’ and I’ll get you inside.

-Hassan Haider

aka MrOverpaid

Also, make sure you also follow my main Instagram ———> @mroverpaid

I’m giving away a Rolex on there when I hit 15k.